Welcome to the Largest Database of Egg Donors in Europe!

Today you can choose from 106 egg donors!


Egg Donor ID 362236

1996 164 cm 58 kg


Greyish-blue eyes

Straight dark blond hair

I study and read a lot on nutritional science and kids' psychology.

Medical college diploma, a nurse

Medical nurse, on maternity leave at the moment.


Egg Donor ID 372034

2000 169 cm 56 kg


Greyish-blue eyes

Straight blond hair

Photography and sports

A university student in the direction and arrangement of social-cultural events

I arrange different events and I study at univeristy.


Egg Donor ID 369735

1996 166 cm 66 kg


Greyish-blue eyes

Straight middle blond hair

My hobby is dancing and I enjoy singing as well, I'm planning to start singing profeesionally.

University degree in ecology

A logistics manager and I worked as a quality control manager as well. My hobby is dancing, I attend lady's dance classes and stretching. I enjoying going to the countryside to see my parents and help them with their house, garden and kitchen garden. I love nature.


Egg Donor ID 344138

2001 167 cm 57 kg


Green-blue eyes

Straight blond hair

Traveling, spending time in various locations, horse riding

A law school student

A student at a legal college. Currently I take care about my baby

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Our egg donors are young Caucasian women under the age of 32, mostly of north-European phenotype (fair skin, blue/grey/green/brown eyes, blond/brown hair). They have their own healthy children, good education (professional and higher) and regular jobs. Being mothers themselves, they have a true desire to help childless women experience the joy of motherhood.

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