The work that I love
I joined O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic in April 2020 and came from the touristic sphere. As a student, during the summer holidays, I worked part-time in a large hotel not to forget my English. After obtaining my diploma I had the experience of working as an economist at the major factory in St Petersburg and in the Saint-Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity, and then I started working in a Spanish travel agency and was responsible for the accommodation of Spanish tourists in Russia and Scandinavian countries. Due to the pandemic, I had to leave a wonderful team, but, fortunately, I realized that communicating with people and using a foreign language gives me true pleasure. According to these criteria, I found a vacancy at O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic and received much more than I expected.
I understood that the most important thing for me is to be useful to people. Apparently, I am driven by a desire to help and an opportunity to see the result of this help — a smile or gratitude. I am a flexible person, I love people and, it seems to me, I can find an approach to them. This is achieved through a sincere interest in another person’s situation, the desire to listen and the ability to organize. My technical education is a rational part of me, it consists in my love for systematization, order and structure in everything. All this is needed when it is time to act.
I was taught to listen to the world around me since childhood. It is important to hear not only the speech of a person but also music, performances, books. They also want to be understood and felt. Maybe, the desire of my parents to immerse me in a dialogue with the world in a more global sense helped me to develop empathy in general.
Also, my personal patient experience helps me to understand the patients of our clinic. At 16 years old I had big health problems. I was the only child patient in a hospital for adults. Then, of course, I had a very special interaction with doctors, as I was an unusual phenomenon for them at their department. I understood then and understand now how much this special warmth and caring attitude helped me to get over my disease. My experience as a patient helped me to realize that my main task as a coordinator is to help patients to start their treatment as comfortably as it could be. I am always in touch with them to answer their questions, coordinate the treatment process, support them during the preparation for their visit to us. The experience that let me hear and act, also let me understand what is the most important for the patient and to determine the fastest and most comfortable way to achieve this goal.
The O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic
I knew I was in a special place when during the very first interview I was asked about my job requirements. The clinic didn’t voice only their demands, as it usually happens in the majority of
Russian companies, but also asked what was important to me. Then I met an amazingly friendly team, consisting of open and deep-thinking people. And now I have a feeling that we are one big and friendly family. A great degree of trust and freedom is very important to me and that's what I get in a clinic. Here everyone appreciates the emotional return that can be only when a person has the motivation to do their job excellently. The clinic is a unique place in many ways, and it’s better to see it once than to hear about it a hundred times.
My personal interests
My main hobby is travelling. If I have at least 3 free days, I always walk, ride, fly or swim to new places and impressions. Even without traveling, I can easily imagine myself walking around my favorite London, even, for example, London of Arthur Conan Doyle, with all the typical details of the atmosphere of this city and this era.
I also like to spend time with my family (parents, my brother and sister and close friends of the family). We have many common interests, and this allows us to do together what we love. Music and music concerts, theatre and yoga are just some of our hobbies. We are frequent guests at St Petersburg theatres.
I am very grateful to my dad for showing me the world of music. I play piano from 14 years old and find myself as a music lover. I know well the music of my parents' generation and even sometimes visit concerts (for example, A-Ha or Roger Waters from Pink Floyd), not because I am a big fan of them, but I like to admire their working process on the stage and listen to the high-quality music, provided by phenomenally professional sound engineers.
At the age of 18, my mother introduced me to yoga, which has been an important part of my life since then. I feel close to this combination of health, philosophy and wisdom. In addition, I do Pilates, swim 40 pools (1 kilometer) once a week, sometimes go to strength training.
For me, the best way to rest is to change the activity. I need energy in my body to let go of stress easier, to be filled and have resilience and inner strength. All this is extremely useful and generously given by me when someone needs my help.
My education
2014 — Baltic State Technical University named after. D.F. Ustinov, Department of the Economy and management of the enterprise, Economist-manager (higher education).