Egg Donor ID 364736

2024 year born egg donor, 163 cm, 63 kg, Green-brown eye, Straight Middle blond hair, A mother of a boy, A univeristy student, I'm geeting a university degree in law

2002 163 cm 63 kg0+

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Why I became an egg donor

My egg donor experience
Why did I decide to become an egg donor? I would like to share my motivation to egg donation. First of all, I believe that every person has a potential of helping other people. Egg donation is one of the ways my reproductive potential can be used for maternity. It can probably be considered as just help but in reality this procedure can change a family's life by fulfilling their need for a baby. Maternity is wonderful! I'm a mother of my son and I'm ready to do anything for him. Secondly, I see egg donation as an opportunity for medicine and for science to develop further. For many years scientists studied and explored eggs and fertility, strove to enlarge human's knowledge on the process of conception and fetus' development. My participation may make an input into increasing the efficiency of IVF procedures and therefore may help many other women realize their dream of maternity. In conclusion, I would like to say that egg donation is an act of kindness that I want to do for other people. I believe I'm helping not only a private family, I help medical progress. My life will be full of sense if I can make other people's lives better even though it cost my personal time. Being an egg donor is one of the ways I can show kindness and help towards others.
I used to be involed in athletics and won the first prizes at the state level. I'm good at singing and I'm always in motion, my intellectual abilities are also very well developed.
Main character traits
Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Faithful, Punctual, Optimistic, Modest, Sociable, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Kind, Easy-educated, Attentive, Active, Calm, Unconflictive, Modest, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Responsive, Shy, Sociable, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Leader, Kind, Trustful, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Kind, Responsible, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Easy-educated, Calm, Punctual, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Modest, Responsive, Optimistic, Thoughtful, Punctual, Responsible, Shy, Sociable, Strong-willed, Trustful, Unconflictive, Leader, Calm, Attentive, Responsible, Punctual, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Kind, Faithful, Active, Responsive, Attentive, Shy, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Active, Sociable, Kind, Faithful, Modest, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Easy-educated, Leader, Responsive, Shy, Attentive, Active, Unconflictive, Unconflictive, Trustful, Kind, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Sociable, Calm, Attentive, Modest, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Strong-willed, Responsive, Kind, Sociable, Leader, Thoughtful, Trustful, Active, Trustful, Unconflictive, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Shy, Calm, Trustful, Active, Kind, Unconflictive, Punctual, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Responsive, Shy, Sociable, Attentive, Calm, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Modest, Leader, Punctual, Faithful, Easy-educated, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Responsive, Shy, Sociable, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Kind, Faithful, Responsible, Thoughtful, Unconflictive, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Modest, Optimistic, Easy-educated, Calm, Modest, Leader, Kind, Faithful, Easy-educated, Calm, Attentive, Active, Unconflictive, Trustful, Optimistic, Punctual, Attentive, Active, Unconflictive, Trustful, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Attentive, Active, Unconflictive, Trustful, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Calm, Easy-educated, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Punctual, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Kind, Faithful, Punctual, Easy-educated, Unconflictive, Easy-educated, Calm, Attentive, Active, Unconflictive, Trustful, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Faithful, Kind, Trustful, Thoughtful, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Responsive, Responsible, Strong-willed, Sociable, Shy, Responsive, Responsible, Punctual, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Kind, Thoughtful, Trustful, Punctual, Optimistic, Modest, Leader, Faithful, Easy-educated, Calm, Attentive, Active, Unconflictive, Faithful, Optimistic, Punctual, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Modest, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Strong-willed, Sociable, Sociable, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Modest, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Responsive, Shy, Responsive, Modest, Responsive, Shy, Sociable, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Responsible, Punctual, Shy, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Active, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Modest, Optimistic, Thoughtful, Sociable, Optimistic, Responsible, Responsive, Punctual, Modest, Calm, Unconflictive, Leader, Easy-educated, Active, Faithful, Attentive, Strong-willed, Kind, Trustful, Shy, Responsive, Shy, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Trustful, Unconflictive, Sociable, Trustful, Responsible, Punctual, Optimistic, Leader, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Kind, Leader, Modest, Optimistic, Punctual, Responsible, Responsive, Shy, Sociable, Strong-willed, Thoughtful, Unconflictive, Active, Modest, Attentive, Calm, Easy-educated, Faithful, Active, Kind
Education level
A univeristy student, I'm geeting a university degree in law
I'm getting university degree in law and I have a part-time job in sales.
A mother of
a boy
Year of birth
Blood group and Rh factor
Height, cm
Weight, kg
Skin complexion
Medium (light colour, but will tan moderate to dark)
Eye colour
Hair color
Middle blond hair, Straight

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The extended donor profile includes

The extended donor profile includes: Egg Donor’s information, Donor's relatives and children