Egg Donor ID 367178

1995 year born egg donor, 160 cm, 54 kg, Greyish-blue eye, Wavy Middle blond hair, A mother of a girl, Pedagogical University Degree (a sports coach)

1995 160 cm 54 kgB-

Photos available
upon registration
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Why I became an egg donor

Motivation letter
Why do I want to become an egg donor? I'm a mother of a beautiful dauhgter and I'm happy to be a mom. A friend of mine was despaired when her doctor told her that she's infertile. Together with her, I started google online and search for different ways of fighting infertility and we learnt about egg donation. Then I realized I could be a great help for someone. A woman or a couple can become a bit happier with my small input. Moreover I have already given birth to a very talented and pretty girl.
Acrobatics, Fitenss, Healthy life style, Beauty and Women's Health.
Main character traits
Reliable, Polite, Persistent, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Neat, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Straightforward, Stress resistant, Strong-willed, Tempered, Tender, Tolerant, Leader, Kind, Active, Attentive, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Decent, Easy-educated, Fair, Faithful, Interested, Inquisitive, Harmonious, Hard-working, Friendly, Sociable, Responsive, Straightforward, Strong-willed, Tempered, Responsible, Reliable, Polite, Persistent, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Neat, Kind, Attentive, Tender, Tolerant, Easy-educated, Leader, Responsible, Inquisitive, Harmonious, Interested, Hard-working, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Decent, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Tender, Active, Stress resistant, Leader, Strong-willed, Tempered, Tender, Tolerant, Interested, Hard-working, Tolerant, Tempered, Stress resistant, Stress resistant, Straightforward, Neat, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Persistent, Polite, Reliable, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Brave, Decent, Open-hearted, Cheerful, Friendly, Kind, Harmonious, Strong-willed, Attentive, Faithful, Polite, Active, Careful, Easy-educated, Straightforward, Responsive, Responsible, Optimistic, Sociable, Persistent, Reliable, Inquisitive, Leader, Neat, Kind, Fair, Leader, Neat, Open-hearted, Persistent, Polite, Reliable, Responsive, Sociable, Straightforward, Stress resistant, Strong-willed, Tempered, Tender, Kind, Interested, Active, Attentive, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Decent, Easy-educated, Fair, Faithful, Friendly, Hard-working, Harmonious, Inquisitive, Tolerant, Brave, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Easy-educated, Active, Attentive, Decent, Careful, Hard-working, Harmonious, Interested, Optimistic, Cheerful, Inquisitive, Tender, Tempered, Strong-willed, Stress resistant, Straightforward, Sociable, Responsive, Responsible, Reliable, Polite, Persistent, Tolerant, Active, Hard-working, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Easy-educated, Decent, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Attentive, Harmonious, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Attentive, Active, Strong-willed, Tempered, Tender, Tolerant, Stress resistant, Decent, Easy-educated, Neat, Leader, Kind, Interested, Inquisitive, Harmonious, Hard-working, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Strong-willed, Harmonious, Tolerant, Active, Attentive, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Decent, Easy-educated, Fair, Faithful, Friendly, Hard-working, Harmonious, Inquisitive, Interested, Tender, Tempered, Strong-willed, Inquisitive, Interested, Kind, Leader, Neat, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Persistent, Polite, Reliable, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Straightforward, Stress resistant, Kind, Leader, Neat, Reliable, Polite, Persistent, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Neat, Leader, Kind, Interested, Inquisitive, Harmonious, Hard-working, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Persistent, Polite, Reliable, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Straightforward, Tolerant, Tender, Tempered, Strong-willed, Stress resistant, Straightforward, Easy-educated, Hard-working, Attentive, Polite, Reliable, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Straightforward, Stress resistant, Strong-willed, Tempered, Tender, Tolerant, Active, Active, Attentive, Brave, Persistent, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Decent, Easy-educated, Fair, Faithful, Friendly, Hard-working, Harmonious, Inquisitive, Interested, Kind, Leader, Neat, Careful, Cheerful, Decent, Kind, Interested, Inquisitive, Harmonious, Hard-working, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Easy-educated, Decent, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Attentive, Active, Leader, Neat, Open-hearted, Easy-educated, Fair, Faithful, Tolerant, Tender, Tempered, Stress resistant, Straightforward, Sociable, Responsive, Responsible, Reliable, Polite, Persistent, Optimistic, Friendly, Attentive, Straightforward, Stress resistant, Strong-willed, Tempered, Tender, Tolerant, Active, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Sociable, Responsive, Responsible, Inquisitive, Interested, Kind, Leader, Neat, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Persistent, Polite, Reliable, Tolerant, Tender, Hard-working, Harmonious, Inquisitive, Interested, Kind, Leader, Neat, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Persistent, Friendly, Faithful, Fair, Tempered, Strong-willed, Stress resistant, Straightforward, Sociable, Responsive, Responsible, Reliable, Polite, Easy-educated, Decent, Interested, Tender, Tolerant, Active, Attentive, Brave, Careful, Active, Cheerful, Decent, Easy-educated, Fair, Attentive, Tempered, Inquisitive, Kind, Leader, Neat, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Persistent, Reliable, Responsible, Responsive, Sociable, Straightforward, Stress resistant, Faithful, Friendly, Hard-working, Polite, Decent, Strong-willed, Harmonious, Cheerful, Careful, Brave
Education level
Pedagogical University Degree (a sports coach)
An owner of my beauty studio and a hairdresser, a private acrobatics coach.
A mother of
a girl
Year of birth
Blood group and Rh factor
Height, cm
Weight, kg
Skin complexion
Medium (light colour, but will tan moderate to dark)
Eye colour
Hair color
Middle blond hair, Wavy

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The extended donor profile includes

The extended donor profile includes: Egg Donor’s information, Donor's relatives and children