Egg Donor ID 693565

1995 168 cm 63 kg0+

I enjoy cooking, especially cakes and pastries...sometimes I do fine needlework pictures )) but cake making is my most favorite pastime . .

College diploma in welding technology, planning to get University technical degree

At the moment the main occupation is being a mother and a housewife, but I plan working at the baby store soon )

General and biometric information

Year of birth 1995
Height, cm 168
Height, foot 5'6"
Weight, kg 63
Religion Christian
City of residence St.Petersburg
Eye colour Green-blue
Hair color Blond hair
Hair specific Straight
Hair colour in your childhood Middle blond hair
Do you have grey hair? (from what age) No
Hair density Normal
Body frame athletic
Skin complexion Olive (pigmentation of unexposed skin) - light / moderate / dark
Freckles No freckles
Race European (Caucasian)

Nationality of grandparents

Father`s mother Russian
Father`s father Belorussian
Mother`s father Russian
Mother`s mother Russian

Supplementary information

Why I became an egg donor I met a girl who went through IVF procedure and I started thinking how wrong and hurting impossibility to have a baby for every woman was. Donating my eggs I can give a joy of pregnancy and I would be sincerely happy if I could help one woman at least.
Right handed/ Left handed/ Ambidexter Right handed
Marital status Married
If married, how many years? Since 2011
Occupation At the moment the main occupation is being a mother and a housewife, but I plan working at the baby store soon )
Hobbies/interests I enjoy cooking, especially cakes and pastries...sometimes I do fine needlework pictures )) but cake making is my most favorite pastime . .
Current and future personal goals My current goal is buying an apartment. And in the future, of course, to have a second baby )))
Add something about yourself I was born and raised in St. Petersburg. I studied in the puppet theater, traveled to Europe for concerts, received certificates, studied music. I played the domra and the piano, then in connection with the teenage (girlfriends, boyfriends) quitted everything, sometimes I regret about that...I studied at the medical college, but due to family problems after the second year I quitted. Afterwards I got the diploma of technician in welding engineering, but I still plan to get a medical degree. I got married, delivered a baby girl, and yet I am engaged only at home! I am often told that I look like the singer Madonna.
Main character traits Calm, Kind, Attentive, Sociable, Patient

Medical and genetical information

Blood group and Rh factor 0+
Are you adopted? No
How many full siblings do you have? 1 sister
Contraception Birth control pills
Do you regularly visit gynecologyst? Once a year
Do you wear hearing aids? Have any problems with hearing? No
Do you wear contact lenses/ glasses? Have any problems with eyesight? No
Have you had corrective eye surgery? For what problems (nearsighted, farsighted, other?) No
Please rate the health of your teeth Good
Have you ever had braces on your teeth? No
Do you smoke? No
How much alcohol do you consume per week/ month? I do not consume it
Describe your type of diet No special one
Do you have any allergies? No
Do you exercise regularly? Walks on the playground
Do you take any prohibited drugs? No
Have you had a blood transfusion? No
Have you had been hospitalized for psychical reasons? No
Are there any triplets or twins in your genetic family? No
Have you had any stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions? No
Are you breastfeeding at the moment? No
Do you have any medical conditions? No
Do you take any medications (prescribed or not)? No
Have you had any hospitalizations/ surgeries? Cesarean section
History of STD (HIV, Syphillis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Viral Hepatitis B or C, CMV), specify the dates and treatments, if were any No

Health condition of donor`s genetical family

Migraines No
Mental illness or disabilities No
Epilepsy No
Muscular dystrophy No
Hearing problems, deafness No
Colour blindness, blindness No
Wearing glasses/ contact lenses, Farsighted/ Nearsighted My grandma wears glasses due to farsightedness
Glaucoma No
Schizophrenia No
Frequent depressions No
Serious congenital malformation No
Clubfoot No
Dwarfism No
Cardiovascular diseases No
More than two miscarriages Not
dermatodyschromia, rash No
Baldness (if yes, specify the age) No
Cancer (specify the type) No
Haemophilia No
Stroke No
Ulcer My mother - gastric ulcer since her 18 years old (in remission since 18 years)
Ovarian cycts No
Fibroma uteri No
Alcoholism No
Drug addiction No
Diabetes before age of 55 No
Autism No

Donor's children

Gender Female 
Year of Birth 2012 
Hair colour Middle blond 
Eye colour Green 
Body constitution Normal 
Age walked In 10 months 
Age toilet trained 1, 6 years 
Has problems with hearing/ eyesight? No 
Hyperactive/ADHD/ADD? No 
Discipline problems No 
Mental deficiency No 

Donor's relatives

  Year of birth Hair colour Eye colour Height Weight, kg Health rate (1-5) Occupation 
Father 1972 Middle blond Green 190 cm 87 He graduated from college (a steelworker), served in the army and went to the police at age 20, worked there for 23 years and retired. Now works as a driver. Enjoys cars 
Mother 1973 Middle blond Green 170 cm 100 She graduated from Medical College at the age of 17 and began working in a children's hospital and still works there. Enjoys cooking 
Mother`s mother 1952 Middle blond Green 160 cm 130 She was a master at the plant, after the plant became bunkrupt, started working in a bus as ticket collector. Now retired 
Father`s father 1935 Middle blond Brown 188 cm 100 He worked in a factory, then went to the police, worked 26 years-the rank of major and retired. He worked for 15 years on the railroad. Now retired 
Sister 2000 Middle blond Green 175 cm 90 A student 
Father`s mother 1938-1991 Middle blond Green 168 cm 90 A housewife. Died during surgery before I was born 
Mother`s father 1946 Middle blond Grey 174 70 Died when my mom was little 

Social information and abilities

Education level College diploma in welding technology, planning to get University technical degree
What languages do you speak, read or write? Russian
What musical instruments do you play? I used to play the domra and the piano
What were/are your athletic skills/favourite sports? No
What are your plans for future education? University technical degree
List 3 last jobs you have had (job title, duties, full-time or part-time job) A fuel station operator. A technologist
Your philosophy is Mt family is my inspiration and the meaning of everything in this world
If you could pass on a message to the recipient(s), what would that message be? I really want to help at least one woman to become a mother and if I could do it, I'll be very happy . . . I would like to know what could help you to be happy and have a small blessing of life, for which you will be able to live and try to make this world a better place . . . children are flowers of life)

Temper and preferences

Favourite food Rolls
Favourite colour Red
Favourite season Summer
Favourite holiday New year
Favourite book "Eleven minutes" by Paulo Coelho
Favourite music style Pop
Favourite movies Comedy
Do you believe in miracles? Sometimes
Do you follow the news? Yes
Do you believe in astrology? Yes
Do you pray? No
Do you have any pets? Yes
Do you speak with strangers while traveling? Sometimes
Do you make a wish after falling star? Yes

Learning and cognitive abilities

How well can you acquire knowledge, learning new skills? Do you enjoy it? I am easy-educated. I can learn everything if I have a good teacher or mentor. I enjoy learning something new.

Analysing abilities

How well can you analyze information, extract important and useful details? Do you enjoy it? I find this easy. I always do that in order not to fill my head with unnecessary information. I enjoy that and I'm always willing to do it.

Logic abilities

How well can you discuss things in a right and reasonable way, make conclusions? Do you enjoy it? I always use logic. Everywhere where it is necessary and not. I always look for some implied sense, etc. I enjoy that. And I always look at things sensibly.

Poetry abilities

How well can you write poems, set forth your thoughts in poems in a right and nice way? Do you enjoy it? I enjoy reading beautiful poems and sayings, but unfortunately, it is difficult to write them myself. I don't feel a great passion to that kind of creativity.

Narration and oratory abilities, elocutionary gift

How well can you retell stories, speak interesting and well in a nice manner? Do you enjoy it? I always say as I think. I rarely try to retell in a purposefully beautiful way. I say what I think, without unnecessary artificially beautiful words.

Linguistic abillities

How well can you learn and use languages (not only foreign languages, but also your native language)? Do you enjoy it? I speak Russian, I studied English and German, I find them easy. In 7th grade, I took 3rd place at school in English. Then it became not so interesting. At my school age, it was interesting to study English.

Communicative abilities

How well can you communicate, make new acquaintances, hand over information and receive information? Do you enjoy it? I am a very social person, in any company I can find a common language with everyone. I enjoy new acquaintances. Since my childhood, in the kindergarten and at school, and in college I had no problems with communication and meeting new people.

Sport abilities, Having a skilled body

How well can you do sports, for instance: swimming, skiing, skating, playing volleyball and other physical activities? Do you enjoy it? Since my childhood I studied swimming, I enjoyed that and I still love water. In winter, of course, skating is the best leisure, not even sport, namely leisure, but I beware ball games. I am afraid that the ball can hit my head or face. I really enjoy some kinds. But I don't say that I am active in sports. Just my hobby)

Dancing abilities, choreographic abilities and one’s body plasticity

How well can you dance, move in rhythm with music, make dancing movements? Do you enjoy it? I don't have a great passion to dancing, so I find it difficult to assess my abilities. To be honest, I don't really enjoy dancing.

Imagination abilities

How well can you generate ideas, express your thoughts and ideas in a creative way? Do you enjoy it? I enjoy doing all sorts of crafts, knitting and sewing. Especially, when I do it with my daughter.

Drawing abilities

How well can you draw or paint? Do you enjoy it? I don't enjoy drawing something right from my head, but if I need to copy something - it turns out well.

Singing abilities, Having a good ear

How well can you sing, sing along, sing with karaoke, sing in a bathroom? Do you enjoy it? I always sing in the car when I drive. I think it is not so bad. I enjoy it)

Acting abilities

How well can you act as an actress: to enter into some role, to play up to somebody’s play? Do you enjoy it? No, acting is not my thing! I don't enjoy that.

Personal motivation

I’ve got a wonderful daughter and I often think about my pregnancy, the happiest and the most wonderful time of my life, touching moments of the first ultrasounds and delivery. Not so long ago I met a girl who went through IVF procedure and I started thinking how wrong and painful impossibility to have a baby for every woman was. I can’t even imagine her feelings! Thank God, fertility specialists exist and help couples to get pregnant! On my part, I would like to donate my eggs and give a joy of pregnancy and sense of life to a family. They deserve to go through all these gentle moments of carrying, delivering and bringing up their baby. And I would be sincerely happy if I could help at least one woman.

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Our egg donors are young Caucasian women under the age of 32, mostly of north-European phenotype (fair skin, blue/grey/green/brown eyes, blond/brown hair). They have their own healthy children, good education (professional and higher) and regular jobs. Being mothers themselves, they have a true desire to help childless women experience the joy of motherhood.

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