Egg Donor ID 770568

1995 167 cm 65 kgA+


Currently getting University degree in Engineering

A student, a mother, a housewife

General and biometric information

Year of birth 1995
Height, cm 167
Height, foot 5'6"
Weight, kg 65
Religion Atheist
City of residence St.Petersburg
Eye colour Green-brown
Hair color Middle blond hair
Hair specific Straight
Hair colour in your childhood Middle blond hair
Do you have grey hair? (from what age) No
Hair density Normal
Body frame athletic
Skin complexion Medium (light colour, but will tan moderate to dark)
Freckles No freckles
Race European (Caucasian)

Nationality of grandparents

Father`s mother Russian
Father`s father Russian
Mother`s father Kazakh
Mother`s mother Russian

Supplementary information

Why I became an egg donor Maybe I was in power of pregnancy hormones or it was just my compassion, and now it is not so important, but I realized at once that after my delivery I would try to become an egg donor.
Right handed/ Left handed/ Ambidexter Right handed
Marital status Married
If married, how many years? Since 2014
Occupation A student, a mother, a housewife
Hobbies/interests Knitting
Current and future personal goals To provide my child (ren) with a proper education and give a birth to a couple of cute kids. In the nearest future I am getting University degree in engineering
Add something about yourself I'm very responsible
Main character traits Calm, Kind, Optimistic, Good sense of humour, Responsible, Sociable, Hard-working, Polite, Tolerant, Careful, Cheerful, Tender, Punctual, Generous, Decent, Faithful, Friendly, Stress resistant, Goal-oriented, Even-tempered, Unconflictive, Easy-educated, Caring, Patient

Medical and genetical information

Blood group and Rh factor A+
Are you adopted? No
How many full siblings do you have? 1 brother
Contraception Birth control pills
Do you regularly visit gynecologyst? Regularly
Do you wear hearing aids? Have any problems with hearing? No
Do you wear contact lenses/ glasses? Have any problems with eyesight? No
Have you had corrective eye surgery? For what problems (nearsighted, farsighted, other?) No
Please rate the health of your teeth Good
Have you ever had braces on your teeth? No
Do you smoke? No
How much alcohol do you consume per week/ month? I don't consume alcohol
Describe your type of diet I have a proper nutrition
Do you have any allergies? No
Do you exercise regularly? I do gymnastics in the morning
Do you take any prohibited drugs? No
Have you had a blood transfusion? No
Have you had been hospitalized for psychical reasons? No
Are there any triplets or twins in your genetic family? No
Have you had any stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions? No
Are you breastfeeding at the moment? No
Do you have any medical conditions? No
Do you have any chronic diseases? No
Do you take any medications (prescribed or not)? No
Have you had any hospitalizations/ surgeries? No
History of STD (HIV, Syphillis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Herpes, Viral Hepatitis B or C, CMV), specify the dates and treatments, if were any No
Do you have/Have you ever had these infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes? No

Health condition of donor`s genetical family

Migraines No
Mental illness or disabilities No
Epilepsy No
Muscular dystrophy No
Hearing problems, deafness No
Colour blindness, blindness No
Wearing glasses/ contact lenses, Farsighted/ Nearsighted Yes, my mother (farsightedness due to age)
Glaucoma No
Schizophrenia No
Frequent depressions No
Serious congenital malformation No
Clubfoot No
Dwarfism No
Cardiovascular diseases No
More than two miscarriages No
dermatodyschromia, rash No
Dermatomelasma, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis No
Baldness (if yes, specify the age) No
Cancer (specify the type) No
Haemophilia No
Stroke No
Ulcer No
Ovarian cycts No
Ovarian tumor No
Fibroma uteri No
Uterine (Myoma) fibroids No
Alcoholism No
Drug addiction No
Diabetes before age of 55 No
Autism No

Donor's children

Gender Female Female 
Year of Birth 2016  
Hair colour Middle blond  
Eye colour Grey  
Body constitution Normal  
Age walked 1 year  
Age toilet trained 1,5 years  
Has problems with hearing/ eyesight? No  
Hyperactive/ADHD/ADD? No  
Discipline problems No  
Mental deficiency No  

Donor's relatives

  Year of birth Hair colour Eye colour Height Weight, kg Health rate (1-5) Occupation 
Father 1973 Brunette Grey 176 cm 75 College diploma, a plumber. Hobby - cars 
Mother 1974 Brunette Brown 178 cm 85 College diploma, an operator at the post. Hobby - hiking 
Mother`s father 1947-2001 Brunette Brown 198 cm Slim College diploma, а plumber. He was fond of motorcycles 
Mother`s mother 1950 Middle blond Hazel 161 cm 71 College diploma (nursing), worked as a quality control at the factory (tanks for caustic solutions for industrial purposes). She enjoys gardening 
Father`s father 1939-1995 Dark blond Green 174 cm Sporty University degree, an engineer. Together with my granny they worked as radio technicians. He was fond of history 
Father`s mother 1945 Middle blond Brown 160 cm 74 University degree, an engineer (electronic technics). She enjoys travelling 
Brother 1999 Middle blond Brown 190 cm 65 A student. He is keen on automotive and computer equipment 

Social information and abilities

Education level Currently getting University degree in Engineering
What languages do you speak, read or write? English (with dictionary)
What musical instruments do you play? The guitar
What were/are your athletic skills/favourite sports? Basketball
What are your plans for future education? To get my University degree
List 3 last jobs you have had (job title, duties, full-time or part-time job) A cashier, an administrator
Your philosophy is Any difficulties are temporary, smile and you'll succeed!
If you could pass on a message to the recipient(s), what would that message be? I hope you will succeed!

Temper and preferences

Favourite food Borsch
Favourite colour Green
Favourite season Spring
Favourite holiday Birthday
Favourite book "The Lord of the Rings" J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite music style I'm a music fan
Favourite movies Thriller, mystery
Do you believe in miracles? Yes
Do you follow the news? Sometimes
Do you believe in astrology? No
Do you pray? No
Do you have any pets? No
Do you speak with strangers while traveling? Yes
Do you make a wish after falling star? Yes

Learning and cognitive abilities

How well can you acquire knowledge, learning new skills? Do you enjoy it? Having the main directions of my life being chosen, I can easily overcome obstacles and get a precious skill based on my own experience. One of my directions is my job and I grow professionally there getting promotions already for the 3rd time during the last 18 months and I'm not going to stop. I always can see perspectives and I'm trying to reach my goals. I take with responsibility not only the constant learning process, professional training but also my child's upbringing. I always find time to develop skills and to give a good education to my daughter. It is always interesting to learn something new. I really enjoy getting new knowledge.

Analysing abilities

How well can you analyze information, extract important and useful details? Do you enjoy it? Analyzing information it's one of my duties at work and I can easily do that. Being a director of the shop, I always analyze and do reports. Basing on these reports, I make the profit higher, not only mine but also my staff's. And the team's gratefulness is the biggest reward for me. I enjoy that

Logic abilities

How well can you discuss things in a right and reasonable way, make conclusions? Do you enjoy it? Being a teenager, I faced family problems and managed to raise my brother myself. A reasonable way of thinking is the key point in such situation. Of course, I wanted to bring up a decent person and I think I succeeded. Well, it is not necessary to enjoy that, you always have to discuss things in a right and reasonable way.

Poetry abilities

How well can you write poems, set forth your thoughts in poems in a right and nice way? Do you enjoy it? I haven't tried to write poems and I don't like them but I can easily create a speech or a presentation, I'm really good at making interesting and appropriate speeches.

Narration and oratory abilities, elocutionary gift

How well can you retell stories, speak interesting and well in a nice manner? Do you enjoy it? I can easily express my thoughts in a clear and proper way to my colleagues at work. It helps me to get better results for everyone. I can prepare a presentation for a conference at work and at training. And I easily retell information to my colleagues. I always enjoy that.

Linguistic abillities

How well can you learn and use languages (not only foreign languages, but also your native language)? Do you enjoy it? The native language I use in different styles: colloquial, official, journalistic. The foreign languages were studied at school, at the basic level. In the future, I'm planning to attend foreign language courses. I can use only my native language in everyday life.

Communicative abilities

How well can you communicate, make new acquaintances, hand over information and receive information? Do you enjoy it? I easily find a common language with any person, I often share the news with my friends. I can easily introduce a new employee to the staff and make him feel comfortable. New people give experience and discover something new about myself.

Sport abilities, Having a skilled body

How well can you do sports, for instance: swimming, skiing, skating, playing volleyball and other physical activities? Do you enjoy it? We often go cycling with my family at weekend. Several times a week I go to work by bike. At school, I was involved in basketball and even was a part of the school team. I used to be a shooter and took part in competitions where I won prizes. I enjoy ball games.

Dancing abilities, choreographic abilities and one’s body plasticity

How well can you dance, move in rhythm with music, make dancing movements? Do you enjoy it? I don't really enjoy that though I can easily feel the rhythm. At home, I can easily dance along with the music.

Imagination abilities

How well can you generate ideas, express your thoughts and ideas in a creative way? Do you enjoy it? I enjoy arranging different events such as anniversaries, birthday parties, staff parties and even help with children parties. It always makes me feel happy. I really enjoy that.

Drawing abilities

How well can you draw or paint? Do you enjoy it? I don't think that drawing is my strong side. I have to be taught before I can show good results anyway, I draw for pleasure time after time.

Singing abilities, Having a good ear

How well can you sing, sing along, sing with karaoke, sing in a bathroom? Do you enjoy it? I don't sing often but as a teenager, I sang in the choir and even played the guitar. I enjoy singing.

Acting abilities

How well can you act as an actress: to enter into some role, to play up to somebody’s play? Do you enjoy it? I finished drama classes. I used to enjoy studying there and making performances. We had different stages, not only at school, we performed at different festivals. Nowadays, I have different priorities and I can't pay much attention to the theatre. It depends on the situation. Generally, I enjoy that.

Personal motivation

Why have I decided to become an egg donor? Being pregnant I was in touch with my friends who couldn't have children and they were going to undergo IVF procedure. I was pretty interested in that issue and found out lots of information regarding infertile people. There are so many infertile people around us, I was so sorry to read their posts and messages on the Internet: they have been trying to conceive a baby for many years, they undergo IVF, but everything is in vain... Maybe, I was under hormones or it was just my compassion, and now it is not so important, but I realized at once that after my delivery I would try to become an egg donor. I remember that day quite well when I saw my baby at the first time. It was love at first sight. It was the best day of my life. First smile, first words, first steps... Though I get hits from my child in the mornings: with some toy or childish gestures - I am incredibly happy to be a mother :) I can't imagine what pain some spouses have to struggle when they get a negative pregnancy test again and again, but I wish so much my tiny help could bring them a little sunshine! I wish they could watch at their first baby smile, hear its laugh, hug and help their small blessing to discover this large world. I just want to know one more happy family appears somewhere in the world.

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Our egg donors are young Caucasian women under the age of 32, mostly of north-European phenotype (fair skin, blue/grey/green/brown eyes, blond/brown hair). They have their own healthy children, good education (professional and higher) and regular jobs. Being mothers themselves, they have a true desire to help childless women experience the joy of motherhood.

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