My experience as an egg donor
I first met the team of O.L.G.A. Clinic as an oocyte donor in 2013. And at that moment it was a small international department of a big multidisciplinary clinic.
I already had three children by that time, and the advert in the newspaper that a fertility clinic was looking for egg donors aroused my keen interest in the opportunity to participate in such a large medical action and help. I began to search for information about donation on the Internet, but I found only brief information with some general phrases. Nevertheless, I came to the clinic, passed the interview, received more information, and decided to take part in the program. I don't remember exactly how many stimulations I had, but over the course of three years, patients often chose me as their donor.
I thought of each donor program as a quest where it is necessary to follow the rules strictly, as only then it is possible to get a result. I am a responsible person, I love multitasking, I am especially motivated by cases in which I can handle everything myself, and not rely on someone else, and I treat medicine with a high respect. Keeping all this in mind, donation turned out to be an ideal thing for me: a lot of rules, responsibility and a clear result.
In my youth, I dreamed of a career in medicine, later on my path led me to a law school, and my work experience after graduation was exclusively related to sales. Perhaps my desire to become a donor was dictated, among other things, by the opportunity to make my youthful dream a reality and to finally get closer to medicine.
Work of my life
In 2016, I reached the age when it was not possible to donate anymore, but, fortunately, my relationship with medicine did not stop: the head of the donor department, Anna Macarova, invited me to become part of the advertising department and to attract donors to join the clinic’s catalogue. I also continued to communicate with egg donors at initial interviews, providing all the necessary information and helping potential donors to form a conscious (and not just emotional) decision about starting a donor program. I realized that my experience in sales and experience as an egg donor would be more useful here than anywhere else, and I gladly accepted the offer.
I am able to deliver a quality result only if I am 120% sure about my work field, so I started with a training that lasted more than a year: I received information about women's health, scientific research and medical aspects of donation and IVF — and at the same time performed the tasks of my supervisor. And since 2017, after immersion into the context, I was ready for a greater independence, and it turned out to be very timely, since in 2018 the international department separated from the multidisciplinary clinic, moved to a large beautiful building on Razyezzhaya Street and became an independent clinic with a new name – O.L.G.A. .Fertility Clinic. Of course, the clinic had now the opportunity to treat more patients, which meant that the need for donors also increased together with the volume of my work. But I was already well prepared for it.
I must say that the development of the clinic did not stop there, and in 2022 we enlarged the number of our Russian patients, and I started promoting the clinic on the Russian market, as well.
When telling both donors and patients about the clinic, I rely on the principle “it is profitable to be honest”: I give truthful information, avoid vague phrases, and this approach always works 100%. I also try to share only what really excites me: I like to write posts online, where I answer the questions that donors have just asked me, and I also like to convey my perception that is not only about the information, but also about my personal views or experience. It seems to me that this way I can create an internal dialogue with my reader, who might connect her experience with mine, or, on the contrary, have a different point of view, but she certainly will not remain indifferent.
I really love my job, and I also know and understand well my responsibilities. I have come a long way, I have been talking in social networks and other sources about egg donation, I have written hundreds of posts and witnessed hundreds of happy pregnancies, including those with donor material, which means that I myself have gone through many paths to motherhood. In 2019, when my husband and I were given the joy of our fourth pregnancy, I realized how strongly I am connected with the clinic. Alexey became my fourth child, it was my fourth delivery and ... at the same time the most heartfelt pregnancy. Being a part of the clinic team, I realized that many people fully enjoy their pregnancies. Thanks to this realization, time seemed to slow down for me, and I allowed myself not to hurry, to relax, live and feel every day of this pregnancy, taking every day as a special one in my life and in the life of my whole family.
My work now is closely connected with creativity and the thought that I am exactly where I need to be and that I do exactly what and how I want to do it gives me a deep sense of satisfaction.
The O.L.G.A. Fertility Clinic
I like our team; these are people who I feel comfortable with every day during already many years of my work here. It seems to me that we are like a single organism, no matter what we do.
There is a special style of communication here, which is characterized by softness, kindness and professionalism. This gives a feeling of confidence and calmness.
And all the donors tell me that in our clinic they find themselves in a very special environment, unlike anything else.
My interests
I have four children, so most of my free time is occupied by them and the organization of their studies and leisure. If we have no plans for the day, then we walk in parks or in conservation areas. For example, near our house there is a beautiful park, the highlight of which is pear trees.
In the summer we often go to our country house, where we spend time walking in the forest and enjoying the views of nature. I take pleasure in photographing natural landscapes, capturing my loved ones being happy together at our family vacations.
We also like to go camping or to travel by car around Russia. We do not have any special demands, so we just drive along the road, sometimes stopping at roadside hotels, and we consider all the inconveniences that may appear as the romance of our wonderful adventure.
I have always been interested in doing different things, and I never sit idle. I attended courses in photography, cutting and sewing, interior design — all this was interesting not for me as a professional, but for my domestic use: my children grew up and I wanted more beautiful photographs; we bought an apartment — and I was carried away by the idea of making it a special space for us...
Apparently, I do not need passive rest: my energy is movement, my inspiration is love and sincere interest...
My education
2010 — Higher School of Privatization and Entrepreneurship, Department of Law, lawyer, higher education.
2021 — Saint Petersburg Business School, course "Internet Marketing: Digital Technologies in Promotion" (professional retraining).
2021 — Integrated Internet Marketing (SMM, SEO, Contextual Advertising and Website Development) in the DIGITAL Sphere" (advanced training).