Egg Donor ID 367241

2000 158 cm 57 kgA+

Art and painting

Art college diploma

I bring my daughter up and enjoy art (painting and drawing)

General and biometric information

Year of birth 2000
Height, cm 158
Height, foot 5' 2"
Weight, kg 57
Religion Christian
City of residence St.Petersburg
Eye colour Greyish-blue
Hair color Chestnut
Hair specific Wavy
Hair colour in your childhood Middle blond hair
Do you have grey hair? (from what age) No
Hair density Normal
Body frame well-built
Skin complexion Medium (light colour, but will tan moderate to dark)
Freckles Some freckles on face in spring-summer time
Race European (Caucasian)

Nationality of grandparents

Father`s mother Russian
Father`s father Russian
Mother`s father Russian
Mother`s mother Russian


Why I became an egg donor When I was a teenager, I dreamt about a big and strong family with several children. It happened that me and husband we broke up and my dream couldn't come true. That's why I want to give this chance of happiness to others, happiness of maternity.
Right handed/ Left handed/ Ambidexter Right handed
Marital status Married
If married, how many years? 2021
Occupation I bring my daughter up and enjoy art (painting and drawing)
Hobbies/interests Art and painting
Current and future personal goals To enter Academy of Art and become an art teacher
Add something about yourself Once I created a fantasy plot and wrote a book based on this story
Main character traits Calm, Kind, Optimistic, Responsible, Responsive, Attentive, Inquisitive, Sociable, Active, Open-hearted, Polite, Modest, Reserved, Tolerant, Cheerful, Tender, Reliable, Punctual, Decent, Faithful, Friendly, Accommodative, Stress resistant, Unconflictive, Easy-educated, Caring, Creative, Patient

Medical and genetical information

Blood group and Rh factor A+
Are you adopted? No
How many full siblings do you have? A brother
Contraception Contraceptives
Do you have/Did you have any gynecological diseases/surgeries? No
Do you wear hearing aids? Have any problems with hearing? No
Do you wear contact lenses/ glasses? Have any problems with eyesight? No
Have you had corrective eye surgery? For what problems (nearsighted, farsighted, other?) No
Please rate the health of your teeth Good
Have you ever had braces on your teeth? No
Do you smoke? No
How much alcohol do you consume per week/ month? I don't consume alcohol
Describe your type of diet I have no special diet
Do you have any allergies? Penicillin
Do you exercise regularly? I did gymnastics in my childhood and I enjoy walking in the park
Do you take any prohibited drugs? No
Have you had a blood transfusion? No
Have you had been hospitalized for psychical reasons? No
Are there any triplets or twins in your genetic family? No
Have you had any stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions? No
Are you breastfeeding at the moment? No
Do you have any chronic diseases? No
Do you take any medications (prescribed or not)? No
Have you had any hospitalizations/ surgeries? No
Do you have/Have you ever had these infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes? No

Health condition of donor`s genetical family

Migraines No
Mental illness or disabilities No
Epilepsy No
Muscular dystrophy No
Hearing problems, deafness No
Colour blindness, blindness No
Wearing glasses/ contact lenses, Farsighted/ Nearsighted No
Glaucoma No
Schizophrenia No
Frequent depressions No
Serious congenital malformation No
Clubfoot No
Dwarfism No
Cardiovascular diseases No
More than two miscarriages No
Dermatomelasma, Neurodermatitis, Psoriasis No
Baldness (if yes, specify the age) No
Cancer (specify the type) No
Haemophilia No
Stroke No
Ulcer No
Ovarian tumor No
Uterine (Myoma) fibroids No
Alcoholism No
Drug addiction No
Diabetes before age of 55 No
Autism No

Donor's children

Gender Female 
Year of Birth 2021 
Hair colour Blond 
Eye colour Grey-brown 
Body constitution Normal 
Age walked 12 months 
Age toilet trained 24 months 
Has problems with hearing/ eyesight? None 
Hyperactive/ADHD/ADD? None 
Discipline problems None 
Mental deficiency None 

Donor's relatives

  Year of birth Hair colour Eye colour Height Weight, kg Health rate (1-5) Occupation 
Father 1966 Dark blond Blue 176 76 A rescuer, emergency service college diploma, his hobby is radio equipment, he enjoys brazing microchips. 
Mother 1970 Chestnut Blue 155 60 College diploma in art, she enjoys reading and painting, drawing. She's housewife. 
Father`s father 1940 Dark blond Grey-blue 180 76 A university teacher, Technical University Degree, his hobbies are precise sciences and reading. 
Mother`s father 1925 Dark Brown 170 68 College diploma, a locksmith, he loves nature. 
Mother`s mother 1927 Dark blond Grey-blue 160 60 College diploma, she was a housewife and her hobbies were knitting and sewing. 
Father`s mother 1943 Dark blond Grey-blue 164 65 Univeristy degree, an engineer, her hobbies are reading and drawing. 
Brother 2003 Chestnut Grey 176 70 College diploma, a music teacher. He works as a dispatcher. His hobbies are music and sports. 

Social information and abilities

Education level Art college diploma
What languages do you speak, read or write? Russian
What musical instruments do you play? None
What were/are your athletic skills/favourite sports? Jogging
What are your plans for future education? To enter the Academy of Arts
List 3 last jobs you have had (job title, duties, full-time or part-time job) A sales manager, interaction with customers and qualty checkup of goods
Your philosophy is The most important in life is family and kids.
If you could pass on a message to the recipient(s), what would that message be? Dreams always come true, the most important is to believe and never give up.

Temper and preferences

Favourite food Pout under the sauce
Favourite colour Green
Favourite season Summer
Favourite holiday New Year's Eve
Favourite book "Games of the Universe" by Svetlana Podkletnova
Favourite music style Dance
Favourite movies Comedy
Do you believe in miracles? Yes
Do you follow the news? Not always
Do you believe in astrology? No
Do you pray? Yes
Do you have any pets? Yes
Do you speak with strangers while traveling? Sometimes
Do you make a wish after falling star? Yes

Learning and cognitive abilities

How well can you acquire knowledge, learning new skills? Do you enjoy it? I enjoy learning something new and try to understand everything fast.

Analysing abilities

How well can you analyze information, extract important and useful details? Do you enjoy it? Not bad, it's a captivating process for me.

Logic abilities

How well can you discuss things in a right and reasonable way, make conclusions? Do you enjoy it? In any situation I try to think and discuss. I can do that well and fast.

Poetry abilities

How well can you write poems, set forth your thoughts in poems in a right and nice way? Do you enjoy it? I write poems and rhymes. All the rhymes I wrote later were used for bigger poems.

Narration and oratory abilities, elocutionary gift

How well can you retell stories, speak interesting and well in a nice manner? Do you enjoy it? I can easily catch my interlocutor's attention and people enjoying listening to me and I enjoy telling something.

Linguistic abillities

How well can you learn and use languages (not only foreign languages, but also your native language)? Do you enjoy it? I can use Russian languages very well.

Communicative abilities

How well can you communicate, make new acquaintances, hand over information and receive information? Do you enjoy it? On the road I enjoy talking to people and they always start the conversation first. I'm good at keeping the communication going.

Sport abilities, Having a skilled body

How well can you do sports, for instance: swimming, skiing, skating, playing volleyball and other physical activities? Do you enjoy it? I did jogging, I can ski and ice skate, I enjoy cycling.

Dancing abilities, choreographic abilities and one’s body plasticity

How well can you dance, move in rhythm with music, make dancing movements? Do you enjoy it? I used to do dances.

Imagination abilities

How well can you generate ideas, express your thoughts and ideas in a creative way? Do you enjoy it? I created illustrations for the book and then described them.

Drawing abilities

How well can you draw or paint? Do you enjoy it? I'm good at drawing and painting, it's my favourite hobby.

Singing abilities, Having a good ear

How well can you sing, sing along, sing with karaoke, sing in a bathroom? Do you enjoy it? I tried to attend vocal classes but it wasn't successful.

Acting abilities

How well can you act as an actress: to enter into some role, to play up to somebody’s play? Do you enjoy it? I played in small performances at school.

Personal motivation

Hello! I would like to explain why I want to become an egg donor. When I was a teenager, I dreamt about a big and strong family with several children. It happened that me and husband we broke up and my dream couldn't come true. That's why I want to give this chance of happiness to others, happiness of maternity. It's not an easy way though and following this path can be hard and scary but your baby's arrival to this world definitely worth all of that. I wish you strength, health and joy! Remember that for your baby you are the whole world, his defence and power base.

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Our egg donors are young Caucasian women under the age of 32, mostly of north-European phenotype (fair skin, blue/grey/green/brown eyes, blond/brown hair). They have their own healthy children, good education (professional and higher) and regular jobs. Being mothers themselves, they have a true desire to help childless women experience the joy of motherhood.

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