A baby at mature age

A baby at mature age

Imagine yourself somewhere in your 80s-90s having no kids of your own. How would you feel?

If a huge sadness gets all over you, it’s time to act now, when you are in your late 40s – early 50s and a healthy baby in your arms is still a reachable goal.

Today you are as ready as you couldn’t be before. Your professional achievements, your life experience and your well-being are not questioned. You have enough love, time and knowledge to share and raise up a new personality showing him or her the whole beautiful world and people around you.

Of course, your health should be carefully and thoroughly checked as only being healthy a woman is able to carry her pregnancy, give birth and bring her children up at any age.

General Health Assessment

All women who start their treatment journey at OLGA Fertility Clinic undergo a standard medical screening to improve their chances and reduce the risks:

  • Medical examination by several specialists
  • Detailed laboratory testing
  • Additional individual tests if necessary

Your body functions are checked as they are crucial for a safe and successful pregnancy: cardiovascular system, lungs, kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, mammal glands, oncological risk factors, blood parameters. This list may be individualized based on your personal situation.

The duration of your stay for a medical check-up is 8 days. Your personal schedule of appointments is planned to be convenient and intensive to save your precious time.

If there’s some diagnosis or treatment prescribed to improve or clarify – the medical team is happy to assist you. When you have no contraindications to plan pregnancy, you agree the dates of your next visit for the embryo transfer right away.

Female Health Assessment

To create a perfect environment for you beautiful and strong embryo, the clinic is going to check your endometrium’s parameters with the help of the hysteroscopy procedure. During hysteroscopy diagnostics are performed and the doctor do a micro-surgical treatment of problems inside the uterus which may be responsible for pregnancy losses. You need just one visit to the clinic for the hysteroscopy and it will help your embryo to grow and develop in the best possible way inside of your soft and healthy uterus.

Your perfect embryo

A woman at the age of 45-53 faces several reproductive challenges:

  • Low ovarian reserve – less eggs available
  • The majority of her eggs are chromosomally abnormal

These factors make a live birth of a healthy baby using own eggs almost impossible, chances are less than 1%.  A realistic solution for a woman over the age of 45 can be egg donation. While conceiving a baby with the help of donor eggs, women between 45-53 years old have 74,7% chance to life birth of a healthy baby.

These factors make a live birth of a healthy baby using own eggs almost impossible, chances are less than 1%.  A realistic solution for a woman over the age of 45 can be egg donation. While conceiving a baby with the help of donor eggs, women between 45-53 years old have 74,7% chance to life birth of a healthy baby

Medical care during the pregnancy

For more than 15 years OLGA Fertility Team has been helping patients in their late 40s-early 50s give birth to their beautiful healthy children. The process of fertility treatment and pregnancy support for women of advanced maternal age is efficient and safe. You are provided with medical advice and support until the moment your child is born. OLGA Fertility shares all the risks with you and know how to support, both mentally and medically. The highly professional and experienced obstetrician stays in contact with their pregnant patients until the moment they give birth.

Start planning my pregnancy