Egg Donor ID 364173

1999 year born egg donor, 163 cm, 63 kg, Green-blue eye, Straight Dark blond hair, A mother of a girl, College diploma in Service on vehicles (a flight attendant)

1999 163 cm 63 kg0-

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Why I became an egg donor

My egg donor experience
Why am I here? It's a very good question and I'm going to answer it now! I found out about egg donation quite long time ago but there was one important condition - own healthy children. I'm here now and it means I have my own healthy child. Having passed this way, I realized I have to help someone experience all the joy of pregnancy and maternity. All in all, I would love to make many kind things and leave a useful pace. And it's not to stay in time as a good memory but to make our world a better place. I want to give a hint of kindness to this world. Becoming an egg donor, I even make three people happier: yourself, your partner and your baby! There's something I want to tell you: you should never give up! NEVER! It's the hardest work ever but as you are here, in this very important point, it's 100% guarantee of success! Your dreams will definitely come true because it's not only you who believe in them, it's me as well! Love and fight for your love, dream and live here and now! Never regret about anything! Please accept my strongest hugs! With all my love, Alina.
Reading, long walks in the fresh air, hiking in the mountains and camping, cycling, skiing.
Main character traits
Brave, Polite, Inquisitive, Kind, Leader, Friendly, Inquisitive, Kind, Leader, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Polite, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Sociable, Tender, Faithful, Friendly, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Sociable, Tender, Tolerant, Unconflictive, Decent, Careful, Creative, Cheerful, Brave, Easy-educated, Active, Accommodative, Tolerant, Unconflictive, Easy-educated, Decent, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Optimistic, Active, Accommodative, Responsible, Accommodative, Active, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Decent, Creative, Easy-educated, Faithful, Faithful, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Open-hearted, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Kind, Friendly, Inquisitive, Creative, Accommodative, Active, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Polite, Kind, Inquisitive, Cheerful, Decent, Easy-educated, Tender, Tolerant, Unconflictive, Brave, Friendly, Careful, Faithful, Tender, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Kind, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Easy-educated, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Tolerant, Unconflictive, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Inquisitive, Easy-educated, Decent, Creative, Decent, Creative, Optimistic, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Cheerful, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Decent, Inquisitive, Active, Open-hearted, Leader, Kind, Friendly, Faithful, Easy-educated, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Accommodative, Active, Sociable, Brave, Careful, Accommodative, Brave, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Kind, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Easy-educated, Decent, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Sociable, Responsible, Polite, Punctual, Reliable, Tender, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Easy-educated, Decent, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Creative, Decent, Easy-educated, Faithful, Friendly, Inquisitive, Kind, Leader, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Polite, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Faithful, Friendly, Kind, Kind, Leader, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Tolerant, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Sociable, Tender, Tolerant, Sociable, Careful, Unconflictive, Kind, Leader, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Polite, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Accommodative, Active, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Creative, Decent, Easy-educated, Sociable, Tender, Tolerant, Kind, Leader, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Polite, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Unconflictive, Accommodative, Active, Brave, Careful, Creative, Decent, Easy-educated, Sociable, Tolerant, Decent, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Brave, Cheerful, Polite, Easy-educated, Faithful, Friendly, Inquisitive, Kind, Leader, Open-hearted, Optimistic, Punctual, Punctual, Polite, Cheerful, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Punctual, Reliable, Responsible, Unconflictive, Creative, Decent, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Kind, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Easy-educated, Tender, Careful, Inquisitive, Faithful, Easy-educated, Decent, Decent, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Creative, Active, Accommodative, Kind, Leader, Easy-educated, Faithful, Friendly, Inquisitive, Kind, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Friendly, Faithful, Easy-educated, Decent, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Creative, Inquisitive, Kind, Friendly, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Cheerful, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Brave, Leader, Decent, Cheerful, Easy-educated, Faithful, Creative, Careful, Active, Accommodative, Brave, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Friendly, Inquisitive, Kind, Unconflictive, Responsible, Sociable, Tender, Tolerant, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Tender, Sociable, Leader, Kind, Friendly, Creative, Faithful, Easy-educated, Punctual, Accommodative, Decent, Active, Brave, Careful, Open-hearted, Responsible, Reliable, Cheerful, Polite, Inquisitive, Optimistic, Faithful, Leader, Responsible, Brave, Careful, Cheerful, Tolerant, Accommodative, Decent, Easy-educated, Friendly, Inquisitive, Kind, Active, Creative, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Tender, Sociable, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Careful, Cheerful, Kind, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Inquisitive, Friendly, Faithful, Easy-educated, Decent, Creative, Leader, Active, Unconflictive, Optimistic, Responsible, Open-hearted, Decent, Punctual, Brave, Creative, Tolerant, Unconflictive, Sociable, Tender, Reliable, Polite, Faithful, Accommodative, Kind, Friendly, Cheerful, Careful, Easy-educated, Leader, Inquisitive, Tolerant, Tender, Creative, Cheerful, Careful, Brave, Active, Accommodative, Unconflictive, Tolerant, Tender, Sociable, Decent, Easy-educated, Faithful, Responsible, Reliable, Punctual, Polite, Optimistic, Open-hearted, Leader, Kind, Inquisitive, Friendly, Sociable
Education level
College diploma in Service on vehicles (a flight attendant)
Since 2019 I work as a flight attedant in ". Rossiya". Airline company.
A mother of
a girl
Year of birth
Blood group and Rh factor
Height, cm
Weight, kg
Skin complexion
Olive (pigmentation of unexposed skin) - light / moderate / dark
Eye colour
Hair color
Dark blond hair, Straight

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The extended donor profile includes

The extended donor profile includes: Egg Donor’s information, Donor's relatives and children